Design directed by Allison Brownmoore with studio, Blue Spill, we created over 50 in-film motion graphic sequences for Lady Boss: The Jackie Collins Story, for CNN.
Allison was approached early on in the edit by Passion Pictures, and worked closely with director Laura Fairrie, to develop a 1980’s aesthetic for the film across a range of sequences including Jackie’s scrapbooks and diaries. We pushed the Jackie-esque 80’s style where appropriate for her more career defining moments, and used subtle design elements for the more personal moments.
Lady Boss: The Jackie Collins Story premiered at Tribeca Film Festival 2021, was broadcast on CNN on 27th June and is in cinemas now.
Studio: Blue Spill
Design Director: Allison Brownmoore
Flame Artist: Anthony Brownmoore
Lead Designer: Joe Nowacki
Artists: Linda Scerpella, Kevin Smy
Creative Producer: Elliot Mander
Post Production Team: Lucy Beavis, James Edwards, Olivia Starr, Daniel Fisher